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Writer's pictureAngela Anderson

Healthcare Education: Micro-learning with Crosswords

My entry for another weekly #ELHChallenge is a crossword puzzle designed to use microlearning for learners to gain learning context with stethoscope usage. The stethoscope is an integral part of patient diagnoses because the internal organs give off sounds that indicate abnormalities. For this project, I used this website to serve as my subject matter expert (SME): .

Video Demo:

Why I Chose Micro-learning: Micro-learning promotes chunking of content in a succinct matter. In a recent study, student presented with micro-learning completed their knowledge questions in 28% faster and were 25% more accurate in their responses than the test group ( Giurgiu, 2017 ). Most of the studies I reviewed show similar results. Saving time and getting positive results make this form of education communication worth the efforts to use this format.


How I used Micro-Learning:

The most key information displays with an overview picture. The learner can actively see the dramatization of the key concepts by clicking on the checkbox-ed concepts. We store the reactions to narratives as memories. This format helps a learner see a story unfold in a concise manner.



Giurgiu, Luminiţa. "Microlearning An Evolving Elearning Trend". Scientific Bulletin, vol 22, no. 1, 2017, pp. 18-23. Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, doi:10.1515/bsaft-2017-0003.

Hug T. Parsons D. Mobile learning as ‘Microlearning’: conceptual considerations towards enhancements of didactic thinking. IGI Global, Refining current practices in mobile and blended learning: new applications. Hershey: 2012.

Hug T, editor. Didactics of microlearning: concepts, discourses and examples. Münster: Waxmann, 2017.

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